2024. November 21., Thursday

Staff members

Dr. Monostori Tamás

DR. habil. MONOSTORI Tamás, head of institute, college professor, Dean’s representative, responsible for international affairs
Telephone: +36 62/532-990/125
E-mail: monostori.tamas@szte.hu

Courses: Plant production, Botany, Plant breeding, Agricultural biotechnology, Sowing seed production, Terraristica, Tropical plant production


DR. HUPUCZI Júlia, general vice dean, college associate professor

Telephone: +36 62/532-990/207

E-mail: hupuczi.julia@szte.hu

Courses: Water management, Pedology (Soil science), Basic soil science and agrochemistry


PROF. DR. TAKÁCS-HÁJOS Maria, professor

Telephone: +36 62/532-990/187
E-mail: takacsne.hajos.maria.terezia@szte.hu

Course: Horticulture

Research topic:

  • Effect of climatic factors on the quality parameters of root vegetables.
  • Mineral element content of beetroot varieties and examination of its physiological effect.


PROF. DR. CZÓBEL SZILÁRD, professor, Dean’s representative, responsible for international projects
Telephone: +36 62/532-990/150
E-mail: czobel.szilard.endre@szte.hu

Courses: Dendrology, Tropical botany, Grassland management, Natura2000 plant species and habitats in Hungary and Europe, Habitat restoration, Applied ecology in plant protection, Physical geography of the Carpathian Basin


Dr. habil. PÉTER Jakab associate professor

Telephone: +36 62/532-990/128

E-mail: jakab.peter@szte.hu

Courses: Plant protection, Land cultivation, Alternative plant production, Basic studies of ecological farming

Dr. Lantos Ferenc

DR. habil. LANTOS Ferenc, associate professor

Telephone: +36 62/532-990/149

E-mail: lantos.ferenc@szte.hu

Courses: Agrochemistry, Horticulture, Basic plant protection pathology, Basic plant protection zoology


DR. SALLAI László, associate professor
Telephone: +36 62/532-990/139
E-mail: sallai.laszlo@szte.hu

Courses: Studies in technology, Alternative and renewable energy sources, Health and safety at work, Physics


DR. SÜLI-ZAKAR Tímea, college associate professor

Telephone: +36 62/532-990/201

E-mail: suli.zakar.timea@szte.hu

Courses: Agricultural environmental protection, Environmental protection and water management, Agri-environmental management, Food safety of agricultural products, Organic production, Environmental economics


DR. SOMOGYI Norbert, college associate professor

Telephone: +36-62/532-990/206

E-mail: somogyi.norbert@szte.hu

Courses: Horticulture, Warmth Crop Production, Environment and Water Management


DR. VOJNICH Viktor, college associate professor

Telephone: +36-62-532-990/123

Email: vojnich.viktor.jozsef@szte.hu

Courses: Agriculture, Plant protection, Plant zoology, Plant pathology, Weed knowledge, Alternative crop production


DR. ALBERT Réka, senior lecturer

Telephone: +36-62-532-990/126

Email: albert.reka@szte.hu

Courses: plant protection, plant zoology, plant pathology


DR. DURAY Balázs, assistant professor

Telephone: +36-20-413-89-93, +36-62-532990/123

E-mail: duray.balazs@szte.hu

Courses: Geoinformatics in Rural Development, UAV Usage, Global Environmental Systems and Challenges, Remote Sensing in Nature Conservation, Environmental Protection and Ecotoxicology, Remote Sensing Applications in Nature Conservation, Smart Agriculture, Rural and Environmental Policy, Rural Development.


DR. SISÁK István, senior researcher

Telephone: +36 62/532-990/183

E-mail: sisak.istvan@szte.hu

Courses: Soil Science, Precision Agriculture, Water Management


DR. TAR Melinda, senior researcher

Telephone: +36 62/532-990/185

E-mail: tar.melinda@szte.hu

Courses: Plant production, Sowing seed production, Biotechnology, Plant breeding


DR. SZABÓ Krisztina, senior researcher

Telephone: +36 62/532-990/185

Research Interest: Introduction of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) into cultivation, breeding, agrotechnical developments, examination of environmental factors influencing the accumulation of active ingredients
Courses: Cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs), Recognition of MAP drug, Primary processing and quality control of MAPs


DR. SZARVAS Adrienn, lecturer

Telephone: +36 62/532-990/124

E-mail: szarvas.adrienn@szte.hu

Courses: Food safety of agricultural products, Integrated plant production, Basic studies of ecological farming


DR. MAKÓ László assistant professor

Telephone: +36-62/532-990/206

E-mail: mako.laszlo@szte.hu

Research Interest: Quaternary geology, loess-paleosol sequences, paleoenvironmental research, age-depth models.


GYALAI Ingrid Melinda, assistant lecturer

Telephone: +36 62/532-990/124

E-mail: gyalai.ingrid.melinda@szte.hu

Courses: Horticulture, Viticulture and wine production, Vegetable production and reproduction, Fruit production and reproduction, Ornamental plant production

ADU DONYINA Gideon, assistant lecturer
Telephone: +36 62/532-990/124

E-mail: adu.donyina.gideon@szte.hu

Research Interest: Plant Biotechnology (Sweet Potato Micropropagation)
Courses: Plant Physiology Practice


KOVÁCS Flórián, assistant lecturer

Telephone: +36 62/532-990/124; +36 30-814-9841

E-mail: kovacs.florian@szte.hu

Courses: Plant physiology



master instructor

Telephone: + 36 30-270-2752

E-mail: kerdone.kovacs.eszter@szte.hu