2024. October 6., Sunday


Student Counseling


International students often experience adjustment challenges given the language barrier, as well as cultural, academic, and other social factors while studying abroad. They may also experience daily emotional crises related to their families back home. Therefore, contacting a student counseling service is a great way for international students to overcome these challenges.



The Student Counseling Centre provides help for the student community in tackling life management difficulties. They offer their counseling services for all active students of the University of Szeged for five sessions free of charge upon registration.


Students may check in via email: dcentrum@stud.u-szeged.hu.



Their counselling service is strictly confidential thus no information will be passed to any third party. The language of the individual counselling sessions offered to foreign students is English.


Address: 17. Vitéz u., Szeged, 6722
Phone: +36-62-544-029
E-mail: dcentrum@stud.u-szeged.hu