Event Calendar
February 3. 00:01 - 20. 23:59
It is strongly recommended to pick a General Practitioner (GP) soon after your arrival. This will save you a lot of trouble in case you have health issues, since the GP will be your gateway to any kind of healthcare services. The procedure to find your GP varies according to your type of insurance.
Use the links below to find a list of practitioners in your area:
In Szeged HERE
In Hódmezővásárhely HERE
Go to “Orvosi Körzet kereső“ click “Háziorvos”, which is Hungarian for GP select your street from the drop-down menu below, and then click the “Keres” button.
In case of scholarship holders (SH, SYCP):
Students having a scholarship provided by Hungary are entitled to have a social security card ("TAJ card"). If you have TAJ-card (the card for Hungary’s National Health Insurance Scheme) and you are publicly ensured and able to access public healthcare for free at the health care institutions in their district, not just emergency or urgent care.
Students with TAJ card (scholarship holders) can go to see their GP (háziorvos) or Dr. PÁL Krisztina, university doctor.
You can book an appointment with her through Modulo or see her details below:
Dr. Pál Krisztina GP
Address: 6722, Szeged Tisza Lajos krt. 97.
Phone: (62)545-552
Email: : modellbt@gmail.com
Open hours:
Monday: 08:00-16:00
Tuesday: 08:00-16:00
Wednesday: 08:00-16:00
Thursday: 08:00-16:00
Friday: 08:00-16:00
In case of self-payed students:
Those students who do not have TAJ card, need to pay for the treatment and then can claim it (or a several part of it) back from their insurance company, If you have Generali Studium Health Insurance, you can find all the information on how to book an appointment with your GP or any other medical specialist on this website: https://mediversal.hu/en/
In this case you don’t need to find a GP yourself, it is taken care of in the framework of the insurance.
In case of an emergency
No matter what type of insurance you have, in case of an emergency you have to:
either call the ambulance at 104 (from a Hungarian network) or go to the ER: Clinical Center, Emergency Patient Care Independent Unit (SBO in Hungarian).
In Szeged
Address: 6725 Szeged, Semmelweis utca 6.
Phone: +36 62/342 – 477 / 488 / 499
In Hódmezővásárhely
Address: 6800, Hódmezővásárhely Dr. Imre József u. 2.
Phone: +36 62/532-222
Please make sure to have your documents (passport, residence permit, a copy of student status certificate and a copy of the accommodation reporting form with you), and your insurance card(s) with you. It is possible that you will need to pay for the treatment, and get reimbursed later – depending on the type of your insurance.
The Hungarian word for pharmacy is ‘Gyógyszertár’ or ‘Patika’. These are located all over the town. Opening hours may vary from pharmacy to pharmacy but usually they are open till 7 pm or 8 pm on weekdays. Prescribed medicines can be bought at any pharmacies with the prescription from the doctor. Drug stores, like DM and Rossmann, carry a minimum amount of light medicines, for example pain killers.
More information on the University’s website: https://u-szeged.hu/health
Last update: 24.07. 2024.