2025. March 13., Thursday

Vice deans and dean’s representatives


General Vice dean: Dr. Hupuczi Júlia PhD, college associate professor

E-mail: hupuczi.julia@szte.hu

Telefon: 62/532-990/207

Komarek Levente_web

Vice dean of Education: Dr. Dr. habil. Komarek Levente PhD, PhD, associate professor

E-mail: komarek.levente@szte.hu

Telefon: 62/532-990/146


Dean’s representative, responsible for international affairs: Dr. habil. Monostori Tamás college professor

E-mail: monostori.tamas@szte.hu

Telefon: 62/532-990/125


Dean’s representative, responsible for international projects: Prof. Dr. Czóbel Szilárd Endre PhD, professor

E-mail: czobel.szilard.endre@szte.hu

Telefon: +36 62/532-990/150


Dean’s representative, responsible for quality assurance: Dr. Süli-Zakar Tímea PhD, college associate professor

E-mail: suli.zakar.timea@szte.hu

Telefon: 62/532-990/201