2024. April 25., Thursday


Summer course in Ben Gurion University Negev, Israel

A report by Jiale Wang, Agricultral Engineer, II. year student

The University of Szeged and the Ben Gurion University of Negev actualize a mutual credit-mobility ERASMUS+ project between 2022 and 2024.


I want to say it was really a wonderful experience to take part in the summer course in Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. During the four weeks of sustainable agriculture solutions course, we could learn not only the frontier technology in lectures but also in the outside field and in the laboratory. People were nice and helpful, they always welcomed us to discuss the problems what they mentioned in their lectures. Farther more... I also enjoyed the educational trip, they really provided us many different chances to visit different areas in the beautiful country. Anyway, I am very sure the summer course is perfect, it is worth it!

They provided us delicious lunch, showed us the drip irrigation technology, the sun-molten salt electrical energy technology, and how to produce red wine. We also visited the Dead Sea, the Red Sea, hiked in a national park and Jerusalem, and local special type village named Kibbutz, and we also visited the history museums, of course, and got new friendships.