Event Calendar
February 10. 00:01 - May 24. 23:59
April 10.00:01 - 23:59
April 14. 00:01 - 22. 23:59
April 28. 00:01 - May 11. 23:59
May 8. 09:00 - 10. 18:00
Prof. Dr. Özdal Gökdal, a colleague of the Aydın Adnan Menderes University, came to us voluntarily in scope of the AKAP Programme implemented by The Council of Higher Education of Türkiye (YÖK). The Professor is an expert in sheep and goat breeding and will conduct research for 9 months.
The renowned Turkish professor obtained his doctorate in 1998, and then participated in many important researches related to the sheep and goat sector, for example dealing with the topic of increasing meat and milk yield or - together with the University of Washington - sterilization and together on reproductive control in goats with scientists from the Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay.
Several circumstances played a role in his decision to do research with us: as a private person, he heard a lot of good things about Hungary from a close friend, and the cultural similarities between Hungary and Turkey also motivated him in his decision. Basically, however, he said that "the quality of scientific studies at the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Szeged caught my attention because I investigated the work done by the scientists there, and that influenced my decision".
"The University of Szeged has a very good reputation on an international level, it is in a good place in the world university rankings, it boasts Nobel Prize-winning professors, and the Faculty of Agriculture is a Faculty where I can do research related to my field of expertise," said Prof. Dr. Özdal Gökdal, and then expressed his thanks to Dr. Edit MIKÓ, dean of the Faculty of Agriculture of the USZ, for the opportunity.
He added that he would spend nine months in Hódmezővásárhely and that he had moved there. This period is the maximum period given by the YÖK, and that his plan is to participate in the ongoing research of the Faculty of Agriculture at USZ, to conduct new research, to study Hungarian merino sheep at the Pilot Farm, and to prepare an Erasmus agreement between Aydın Adnan Menderes University in Turkey and the Faculty of Agriculture of USZ.
I love Hungary. I have been to 27 countries before but perhaps, people here are the friendliest and I find the Faculty of Agriculture and its staff impressive,” said Prof. Dr. Özdal Gökdal.
Prof. Dr. Özdal Gökdal also wants to get to know the country a little more and plans to visit Budapest, Kecskemét, Debrecen and the Lake Balaton as well during his stay.