2025. March 20., Thursday


ERASMUS Week - 15-19 April 2024

For the first time the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Szeged organises an Erasmus Week.

For the first time, the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Szeged will organise an international week called ERASMUS Week between 15-19 April 2024. In line with the spirit of the ERASMUS+ programme, participants will have the opportunity to network, share good practices and visit the National Stud Farm in Mezőhegyes, the Faculty’s Pilot farm in Hódmezővásárhely and the National Heritage Park in Ópusztaszer, among others.


During the international event of the Faculty of Agriculture, the WELLMANN International Scientific Conference will also take place on 18 April for the 21st time and will focus on the impact of climate change challenges on agriculture.


The ERASMUS week will also provide a excellent opportunity for lecturers, researchers and students from countries participating in the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (KA171) project (e.g. Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia), awarded to the Faculty of Agriculture in 2022, to get to know the Faculty of Agriculture, its research activities and to gain an insight into the situation of the Hungarian agricultural sector.


The programme of the ERASMUS Week can be downloaded HERE.