2025. március 11., kedd


Accommodation is provided in the Students’ Hostel (within the Campus of SZTE MGK)

There are triple rooms; the toilet and bathroom are on the corridor. There is broadband internet connection in the rooms. There is also a restaurant in the building of the hostel offering a wide choice of dishes. Other services: fitness gym, lounge, sports fields, wifi, computers, parking area.


Accommodation in the student hostel of the Faculty

triple room for one person without breakfast:

4.000 HUF + 100 HUF (tourism tax) /person/night

triple room for two persons without breakfast:

2.500 HUF + 100 HUF (tourism tax) /person/night.


Breakfast: 850 HUF/person/day


Accommodation for 17th May and 18th May can be booked on the application page.


The invoice includes the conference participation fee (30.000 Ft), as well as the cost of the accommodation in the student hostel. The breakfast must be paid and the invoice collected in the restaurant.





SZTE MGK Kollégium

Petőfi u. 10-12

H-6800 Hódmezővásárhely

Other accommodation in town (must be reserved privately):

Best Western Ginkgo Sas Hotel http://www.hotelginkgosas.hu/
Pelikán Hotel http://www.pelikanhotel.hu/
Hotel Fáma http://www.hotelfama.hu/

Szent István Boarding House http://szallas.hu/